Shop area and water plant areaOur training facility is located in Dryden, Ontario in the Dryden Regional Training and Cultural Centre (209-100 Casimir Avenue). Keewaytinook Okimakanak (Northern Chiefs' Council) through the Keewaytinook Centre of Excellence, provides professional, technical and academic training for water plant operators. Our training centre has a state-of-the-art training and laboratory facility, a shop area, and mezzanine.


The Water Plant Operator Training Program will ensure that all water plant operators meet the requirements for certification and training in the province of Ontario and meet the regulatory requirements of the Ontario Water Resources Act.


Click on one of the following links to obtain a Dryden street map, information about hotel accommodations and restaurant guides for Dryden, Geraldton and Nipigon.
Location - Dryden Street Map
Dryden Accommodations and Restaurants
Nipigon Accommodations and Restaurants
Keewaytinook Centre of Excellence
209-100 Casimir Ave., Dryden, ON P8N 3L4
PH 807-737-1135 ext 4000 or 4001 TOLL FREE 1-877-737-5638 ext 4000 or 4001
FAX 807-223-8426 E-MAIL