The delivery of safe potable water to individual community members is a priority for First Nations throughout Canada. The Keewaytinook Centre of Excellence is committed to meet the needs of its clients through the quality delivery of affordable technical and academic training programs. Keewaytinook is your one-stop source for certification courses, academic upgrading and continuing education units. Qualified trainers provide operators with excellent foundation skills (specifically in mathematics, communications, public health/microbiology, water chemistry...) and hands-on water plant operator training. The Centre's services also extend to the private sector, the municipal sector, and to provincial and federal government utility workers. KO Info |
209-100 Casimir Ave., Dryden, ON P8N 3L4
PH 807-737-1135 ext 4000 or 4001 TOLL FREE 1-877-737-5638 ext 4000 or 4001
FAX 807-223-8426 E-MAIL