KO (Keewaytinook Okimakanak) Info

Keewaytinook Okimakanak, which means Northern Chiefs in Oji-Cree, is a non-political Chiefs Council serving Deer Lake, Fort Severn, Keewaywin, McDowell Lake, North Spirit Lake and Poplar Hill First Nations. The organization is directed by the Chiefs of the member First Nations who form the Board of Directors: "Chief Royal Meekis Deer Lake First Nation , Chief Joe Meekis Keewaywin First First Nation, Chief Eli James McDowell Lake First Nation, Chief Eli Moose Poplar Hill First Nation, Chief Donald Campbell North Spirit Lake First Nation, Chief David Mathews Sr. Fort Severn First Nation."
Through its close awareness of community needs and its team approach, the Council advises and assists its member First Nations. The Council provides services in the areas of health, education, economic development, employment assistance, legal, public works, finance and administration, and computer communications (K-Net Services).
Keewaytinook Okimakanak
KO Health Keewaytinook Okimakanak Health Services coordinates delivery of community-based projects and administers regional health programming and services.
Keewaytinook Okimakanak Education works with community education boards to help them deliver education services by planning and building new schools, curriculum development, principal evaluation and training, and program review. Keewaytinook Internet High School
Telemedecine KO Telehealth helps to deliver telemedicine services to remote First Nation Communities in Northwestern Ontario. We are currently working towards expanding this healthcare innovation from the initial five participating communities to an additional 19 First Nation communities in the Sioux Lookout Health Zone.
The Public Works Unit handles community and capital planning and the provision of technical services for member First Nations as a non-profit service. The Keewaytinook Centre of Excellence was established in 2001 under the Public Works department. Public works
Keewaytinook Centre of Excellence
Knet Services K-Net Computer Services has developed and maintained K-Net, a computer bulletin board and e-mail service with 500 active users among Sioux Lookout District First Nations.
KO Research Institute coordinates and manages academic research undertaken about KO and its programmes and departments. KO Research Institute

Meet the Keewaytinook staff.
KO Info
KO phone directory
Keewaytinook Centre of Excellence209-100 Casimir Ave., Dryden, ON P8N 3L4
PH 807-737-1135 ext 4000 or 4001 TOLL FREE 1-877-737-5638 ext 4000 or 4001
FAX 807-223-8426 E-MAIL info@watertraining.ca