First Nations Water Pollution Control Plants

Grassy Narrows WPCP

Shoal Lake 39 WPCP

Wabaseemoong WPCP

Deer Lake WPCP

North Spirit Lake WPCP

Poplar Hill WPCP  

Kasabonika WPCP

First Nations Water Pollution Control Plants
Municipal Water Pollution Control Plants
*If you would like your water pollution control plant photo featured on our web site, please submit a photo to this e-mail:

Keewaytinook Centre of Excellence209-100 Casimir Ave., Dryden, ON P8N 3L4
PH 807-737-1135 ext 4000 or 4001 TOLL FREE 1-877-737-5638 ext 4000 or 4001
FAX 807-223-8426 E-MAIL